Best Clown & Comedy Videos World-Wide
Here is my personal selection of the best clips I know of in the internet on clowning, comedy and humor. If you have a suggestion for me, of a video I should include, send me a mail. I keep extending the list. Enjoy your travels through the wide wide world of clowning.
ROTE NASEN (Hospital Clowns in Berlin)
Here are some golden moments from our work in therapeutic settings
♦ ROTE NASEN Image Video [Link] 6 min
♦ ROTE NASEN Dokumentary with Interviews & Scenes [Link] 30 min
♦ ROTE NASEN Impressions from Emergency Smile Programm [Link]
♦ ROTE NASEN facebook-livestream [Link zu den Videos]
♦ ROTE NASEN YouTube Channel [Link zu den Videos]
♦ Clown-Leofino with his latest Clown-Song [Link]
♦ Clown-Leofino with a magic window to joy [Link]
♦ Clown Willi & Fenomena danken die Pflege [Link]
♦ Clown Willi & Zazou „Langer Weg zum Glück“ part 1 [Link]
♦ Clown Willi & Antonia „Ab ins Warme“ [Link]
♦ Clown Willi & Antonia „Die Schlittenfahrt“ [Link]
♦ Clown Willi & Antonia „Die Turnhalle“ [Link]
♦ Clown Willi & Antonia „Die Hängematte“ [Link]
Outstanding CLOWN Performances
Aga Boom Theater of Physical Comedy and Circus Arts (Las Vegas)
♦ Promo-Video 2 / short takes from various shows [Link] ♦ Promo-video 3 / short takes from various shows [Link] ♦ Clown-Iceberg Part 1 [Link] ♦ Clown-Iceberg Part 2 [Link]
Avner Eisenberg – Eccentric Mime/Clown (USA)
♦ Intro with links to various videos: [Link] ♦ Slack-Rope Number: [Link] ♦ Napkin-Eating Number: [Link] ♦ Avner at Moisture Fest USA: [Link]
Bill Erwin (USA) – co-founder of Pickle Family Circus and renouned broadway performer ♦ Bill Erwin on the Bill Cosby Show: [Link] ♦ Improv with Robin Williams: [Link] ♦ The Genius of Bill Erwin (Regard of Flight: [Link] ♦ With Steven Silverstein: [Link] ♦ In a scene from „Fool Moon“ with David Shiner: [Link]
Buster Keaton ♦ „The Best Of“ classic scenes from movies & Dokus [Link]
Charlie Chaplin ♦ Eating Maschine [Link] ♦ Factory Work [Link] ♦ The Great Dictator with Globus [Link] ♦ The Fork Dance [Link] ♦ The Boxing Champion 1915 [Link]
Charlie Rivel – Famous Spanish Clown from Catalonia
♦ Classic Chair Number / Monte Carlo Festival ca. 1970s [Link] ♦ Charlie’s Chair Number imitated for 14º Festival Internacional de Payasos [Link] ♦ Charlie as Grande Dame for Eurovisio 1973 [Link]
Cirque du Soleil ♦ Alegria Werbespot [Link] ♦ Zarkana (Las Vegas) Werbespot [Link] ♦ Quidam Clown-Nummer [Link]
David Shiner – american clown living and performing mostly in Europe, includine Roncalli, Cirque du Soleil, but also Vegas and stints with Bill Irwin
♦ Signature performance of „Silent Movie“ [Link] ♦ Bill Irwin and David Shiner in a scene from Broadway show Fool Moon [Link] ♦ David in Circus Ring with child [Link]
Gardi Hutter – Swiss Clown, Writer and Comedienne
♦ Die Schneiderin (Regie Michael Vogel) [Link] ♦ So Ein Käse [Link] ♦ Jeanne D’ARPpO [Link] ♦ Die Souffleuse 1/8 [Link]
George Carl – American Vaudeville Entertainer & Eccentric Clown
♦ From the Casino-Show „STARZ“ Part 1 [Link] ♦ „STARZ“ Part 2 [Link] ♦ Circus Performance [Link] ♦ Vintage footage from 1969 [Link]
Grock – World Famous Swiss Circus Clown
1931 Variety show with his classic number with piano and violin [Link]
Harold Lloyd – American Silent Film Comedian ♦ Safety Last [Link] ♦
Housch-Ma-Housch – a russian trained Ukranian Clown, participant of various international Circus festivals inkl. Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain & Festival International du Cirque de Monte Carlo) ♦ 14 min. Solo number [Link] ♦ Together with the Yanis Orchestra [Link]
Jango Edwards – American founder of the Fools Theater Movement
♦ Piano Virtuoso Sketch [Link] ♦ Fat Man Leaps Into a Glass of Water Sketch [Link] ♦ Guerilla Street Theater / Getting and Greeting a Crowd [Link] ♦ Jango „Best of“ Gunfighter [Link]
Jigalov & Csaba – Russian Clown-Duo ♦ The Best Performance [Link]
Joe Dieffenbacher – American acrobatic and eccentric physical comdian [Link]
KGB Clowns from Russia ♦ Collage of various cuts [Link] ♦ Red Clown with Statue [Link] ♦ Feuerwerk der Turnkunst [Link]
Laurel and Hardy (Dick and Doof) Full-length film Knuckleheads „Die Klotzköpfe“ (1938) [Link] ♦ Im Krankenhaus (auf Deutsch) [Link]
Licedei Clown-Theater and Academy from St. Petersburg
♦ Clown With Chair [Link] ♦ Musical Trio [Link] ♦ Wash-Lady-Chorus [Link] ♦ Bahama Mama performance [Link] ♦ Four Ladies [Link] ♦ The Drinking Number [Link]
Mimirichi Clown-Troupe from the St. Petersburg Academy
♦ Clown Step-Number with swim-flops [Link] ♦ Clown Break-Dance [Link]
Mirco Nontschew and Otto Waalkes musizieren mit Stefan Raab in TV total [Link] ♦ Cold Opener mit Mario Barth [Link] ♦ playing tennis with Michel Courtemanche [Link]
Peter Shub – an american clown who became well known through his many years with Roncalli Circus. ♦ Here a rare performance together with Loriot in Circus Krone [Link] ♦ With Roncalli Circus in Hannover 2003 [Link]
Red Skelton – American TV Clown & Comedien ♦ With Jerry Lewis [Link] ♦ Red Skelton as “Freddy Christmas” [Link] In Canada 1982 [Link] ♦ How to imitate a drunk [Link]
René Bazinet – best know from his much celebrated performance in Cirque du Soleil’s show „Saltimbanco“ [Link]
Scott & Muriel – Comedy Magic & Stage Illusions
♦ Sawing a Guest in Half [Link] ♦ Short Clip from Monte Carlo Circus Festival [Link] ♦ Big Show with Jo Promo-Video / various cuts from their shows [Link] ♦ Cutting Murial in Two at 32nd Monte Carlo Int’l Circus Festival 2008 / [Link]
Slava Polunin – famous Russian Clown and Co-Founder of Licedei
♦ Le Plus Grand Cabaret / Cuts from the „Snow-Show“ [Link] ♦ Slava’s Snow Show / the Telephone Number [Link] ♦ Slava’s Show Show / the Blue Canary Number [Link]
Various Clown- and Physical-Comedy Variety-Numbers
♦ Paul Kustermann as Dame Gloria Winterbottom im Palais im Park mit „Hamster Cocktail“ [Link] ♦ 60 min 3 Wheel Circus performance with Paul Kustermann, Gary Edwars & Ruud Struiksma in a legenday Fools Theater performance in Kreuztal 1983 [Link] ♦ Child-Version of Charlie Rivel Imitation (Ruby Rivel-1) [Link] ♦ Child-Version of Charlie Rivel Imitation (Ruby Rivel-2) [Link] ♦ Child-Version of Charlie Rivel Imitation (Ruby Rivel-3) [Link] ♦ Clown with Child on-stage (von hbskls) [Link] ♦ Clown World Champion (Housch-Ma-Housch Rabit from Hat) [Link] ♦ Clown YAMA Short-Takes / Selection from Shows [Link] ♦ Hilary Chaplin (A Life in Her Day – directed by Avner the Eccentric) [Link] ♦ Puppet Number / Little Man Can Dance [Link] ♦ Robocob 525 Break-Dance [Link]
STAND-UP COMEDIANS (English & German Language)
My selection here is very short. If you want more I suggest doing some google-searching. For example [best comedians of all time] / [best British comedians of all time] / [beste deutsche Komiker aller Zeiten]
Bette Midler – American Actress, Singer, Comedienne
♦ Sophie Tucker in concert [Link] ♦ Sophie Tucker in Las Vegas [Link] ♦ Sophie Tucker in „Kiss my Brass“ [Link] ♦ Sophie Tucker as SHOWGIRL in Pretty Legs & It’s Hot in Here [Link]
Carrol Burnett – American Comedienne
♦ Funniest Moments Part-1 / Out-takes from the Carol Burnett Show [Link] ♦ Funniest Moments Part-2 / Out-takes from the Carol Burnett Show [Link]
Ellen Degeneres – American comedienne ♦ First appearance on Johnny Carson Show [Link] ♦ A later monologue (1987) also on Johnny Carson Show [Link]
Hape Kerkeling – Deutscher Komiker und Meiser der ernsthafte Glaubwürdigkeit in Comedy machte ihn zu einer Ikone ♦ Opening mit Horst Schlämmer [Link] ♦ Das Schwulen-Gespräch im Cafe Korten [Link] ♦ Wildschweinplage im Schrebergarten [Link] ♦ Ein Zwiegespräch zw. Siggi & Marcel [Link] ♦ Schadenfreude pur beim Schachtournier gegen FC Bayern [Link]
Hazel Brugger – Deutsche (Schweizerische) Stand-Up Kommikerin. Bekannt für ihren trockenen ironischen surrealistischen Humor! ♦ Männer haben mehr Humor [Link]
Helga Schneider – Deutschland’s vielleicht obskurster Komiker und begnadigter Musiker ♦ 2 Std. Bühnenshow 2014 Abschiedstournee [Link]
Joan Rivers – American Comedienne
♦ Hollywood Palace 1966 [Link] ♦ Just for Laughs [Link]
Jim Carrey Top 7 Award Show Moments – 2016 [Link]
Louis CK – American Comedian (very hot!)
♦ Top of the Food Chain – Oh My God [Link] ♦ Divorced and Best Dad [Link] ♦ Do You Live In This Building [Link] ♦ Older People are Smarter [Link]
Max Giermann – Student of clown George Peugeot and founder of Comedy Kids
♦ Goldene Kamera 2016 Klaus Kinski Imitation [Link]
Mirco Nontschew – (Beste deutsche physical comedian aller Zeiten – meiner Meinung nach) ♦ „Cold Opener“ bei Mario Barth [Link] ♦ Bei Frei-Schnauze „Kocht Chinesisch“ [Link] Gebärdet ein Gespräch zw. Barbara Schöneberger und Berhnard Hoecker [Link]
Otto Waalkes – 4 min. vintage mix of musical parodie [Link]
Ricky Gervais – Emmy award winning Britisch comedian, writer, actor, director and creater of some excellent TV series that can be viewed on Pay-View-Platforms like Netflix, Amazon-Prime or IMDb Film Databank ((The Office, After Life, Dereck). ♦ Here is a YouTubeclip of him giving his take on Hitler, Churchill, Gandhi and Anne Frank [Link] ♦ His take on War, Racism and Stephen Hawking [Link] ♦ One hour performance for the Golden Globe Awards 2012 [Link]
Robbin Williams – One of the world´s best Stand-Up Comedians ever!
♦ Roasting George Bush [Link]
Shari Lewis – American Female Comedian-Vantriliquist
♦ As MC moderating a gala with her famous handpuppet „Lamb Chop“ [Link]
♦ Cursing along with Lambchop [Link] Classic vintage footage [Link]
Steve Martin – American Comedian, Actor, Musician
♦ Stand-Up routine with Banjo [Link] ♦ Stand-Up routine „Excuuuuuse Me“ [Link] ♦ Stand-Up routine „The Great Flydini“ [Link]
Tommy Cooper – British Comedian considered one of world’s 5 best of all time
♦ 5 min. stage act [Link] ♦ 22 min. collection of stage performances and sketches [Link] ♦ 50 min. Christmas Show 1973 [Link]
♦ Bette Midler in „Hokus Pokus“ (I Put a Spell on You) [Link] ♦ Ray Bolger / American actor & eccentric dancer, famous as Scarecrow in „Wizzard of Oz“ [Link]
Danny Kaye – American Comedian, Actor, Singer and Dancer
♦ Singing „Oh When The Saints“ with Louis Armstrong [Link] ♦ Conducting the NYP Orchestra „Aida“ [Link] ♦ Conducting Number from „An Evening with D.K.“ [Link] ♦ Opera Parody with Beverly Sills [Link]
Skills Tricks & Exceptional Feats
♦ Michael Moschen / lecture on Juggling [Link] ♦ Michael Moschen / crystal ball routine [Link]
♦ Nelli Kujansivu | 8-min Foot juggling [Link]
Hier in another 5-min version – bit more poetic [Link]
♦ Roxana Küwen amazing foot-juggling act [Link]
♦ Casey Wood (IJA Tricks of the Month Dec 2016) [Link]
♦ Interview with Actress and Teacher Lee Delong on the origins and importance of Clown Training [Link]
♦ Humor-Ressourcen-Liste von HiP Humor in der Praxis entlält Links zu AKTUELL INTERESSANTEN THEMEN wie ROTE NASEN Videos, HUMOR-THEORIE & WISSENSCHAFT Vorträge, wie auch TUTORIALS. [Link]
♦ Tutorials on how to draw cartoons — a wonderfully useful and fun tool to add to your skill-set as a teacher, performer or speaker: Graham Shaw is a Cartoonist, Communications-Trainer and public speaker and shows here „why people believe they can’t draw“ and he proves they can [Link] 15min / Here he also shows how drawing helps learning and memory (Link) 17 min. Further great drawing tutorials: How To Draw Easy Cartoon Faces Step by Step [Link] in 9 minutes / Cartooning With Bruce Blitz [Link] 50 min
♦ Demonstrations of classic Magic Numbers: Chris Hannibal with the „second oldest slight of hand trick in the world“ Cups and Balls [Link] / Here is a simpler version as tutorial [Link]
♦ If you can laugh at it, you can survive it! (source unknown)
♦ Mut haben! Manche leben so vorsichtig, das sie wie neu sterben. (Quelle unbekannt)